Subtle Energy Fields

Basic to our understanding of energy: is this concept; that man and all life forms are submerged in the electromagnetic energy field of the earth; and further, that each life form has its own electromagnetic field, which, if sufficiently distorted, will ultimately result in disease of the organism.

Accepting that "All is Energy"

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Thought itself can be transmitted through the energy field of the earth in the same way as radio messages and "Energy" according to the ancient axiom "follows thought."

"Energy follows thought"

Lets look on the individual not primarily in physical terms but as a series of interpenetrating energy fields. Modern scientists, supported by Kirlian photography, have noted that living bodies have an energy body, which interpenetrates and sometimes extends beyond the
physical body. Man's energy body has a number of special energy centers within it known as chakras. These correspond roughly to the organs and glands of the physical body.


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The Etheric Fields

In this course we are dealing with force fields of one kind or another, with action at a distance, which presupposes a force field through which that action takes place. We will also come to understand other fields, fields that are more subtle in nature and beyond identification and measurement in the scientifically accepted sense.
The average individual tends to equate space with the gaps that exist between physical objects as something that is empty. Etheric forces in fact occupy it. It is a formative matrix or energy field, which gives birth to matter; it underlies forms, qualities, and events.
Not only the ancient systems of wisdom, but also modern scientists have recognized this:

a) Newton in 1675 spoke of an electromagnetic-like medium "subtle vibrating electric and elastic" which he saw as an inorganic basis of life.

b) In 1704 Mead spoke of atmospheric tides, which he claimed, acted as an "external assistance to the inward causes prevailing in animal bodies" and he described a "nervous fluid" of electricity, which activated the material body.

c) Mesmer also wrote of "animal magnetism", a medium filling celestial space which he believed capable of acting on the nervous systems of animal forms directly, depending on the individual resonance in the bodies.

d) In 1783, Bertholon published evidence for the influence of atmosphere electricity on vegetation.

e) In 1883, Steward posited the electric conductivity of the earth's upper atmosphere.

One way to understand the nature of such a field is to place a magnet under a card and sprinkle iron filings over it. The filings arrange themselves along the force lines of the magnet's field. If the old filings are discarded and new ones placed on the card, they will assume the same pattern as the old. So the bodies molecules and cells are being rebuilt with fresh material from our food, but due to the controlling life-field, the new structures are rebuilt as before and the organism assumes the same pattern.

A scientific theory has been put forward that the human nervous system forms as a result of dynamic forces imposed on cell groups by the total field pattern. This ties in with the theory of the chakras, vortices of energy, which give birth to the ganglia and the nerve plexures of the body.

a) In 1935, Doctors Northrupp and Burr were scientifically investigating the subtle force fields of life, and providing evidence that they had profound importance for medicine, both in the physical and psychological areas of practice ... health, they showed, is inextricably linked to field states.

b)Moreover, the state of the individual's life field and vitality is directly related to the state of the earth's electromagnetic field, and the fluctuations that occur in that field due to influences
flowing in from space.

Consider some examples:

a) birds and animals commonly desert earthquake areas many hours before quakes; scientists have shown that radical alterations in local electromagnetic fields also occurs hours before quakes;

b) periods of heavy sunspot activity are times of intense difficulty in the area of communication on earth;

c) medical research has correlated periods of electromagnetic field strengthening and influxes of hospital admissions to the psychiatric service. Periods of the full moon have much higher indexes of abnormal activity in psychiatric wards, and also higher crime rates;

d) recent monitoring of electromagnetic fields shows that there is a link between field flow and strength and the movement and intensity of epidemics.

This points to the validity of the ancient axiom that all life is linked by a common ground. Everything has an effort on that field of life; we can either pollute or harmonize this field through the thoughts and actions we express in it.

It has been further shown that suggestion and imagination have a marked effect on the human electromagnetic field.

"The first of all sciences is Man. Therefore, the proper study of man leads to the knowledge of the invisible forces of nature and the way they interact with his whole being".

Christopher Hills.

Let us first begin to understand what subtle energy fields are.

We are composed of energy fields, which make up who we are. We extend ourselves out ward into the world around us, by our thoughts, our emotions, our ideas, all of who we are.

We are inline with others energy fields as well, when someone gives you "That look" you know what it is, you feel it, good or bad positive or negative.

We send out energy fields all the time, some direct, some not so direct, we should be very aware of what we do but fact is we are not, most of us are not aware at all.

We react to a situation with anger, fear, or joy, laughter without first pausing and reflecting as to why we feel this way.

When we become happy or excited some of us have our faces flush when we become angry or upset some of us have our blood pressure go up with a flushed face and all
when we become filled with joy, our faces radiate out the light that is deep within us.

Those are just basic examples, of what happens to us when we feel emotions.

Energy is with us all the time and for the most part we do not have control over it; it is my sincere hope that you begin to understand that it is a vital part of life and begin to know and come to understand how to use it on a "daily" basis.

Subtle Energy Fields - what they are,

Subtle Energy Fields - how to understand them

Subtle Energy Fields - how to use them in our life

Subtle Energy Fields - how they affect us

Subtle Energy Fields - how to apply them to everyday life

Subtle energy fields are all around if we could but just see them they are infinite, they are everywhere.

EXERCISE: Until next time, write in a notebook all the different feelings that you are aware of.

Also begin to be aware of energy fields in yourself your "aura" which we will also delve into later.

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Energy is all around, so look at the high tension wires, the plugs in your homes, the microwaves, the energy off the tv the computer, and any other items that you may feel energy coming from.

Janet Prince is a Spiritual :%$amp; Creative Life Path Coach,
working with people for over 30 years and
Assisting in Developing, their Vision, Inspiration, Authentic Self

Alternative/Natural Health Consultant/Instructor
...Writer, Poet, Artist,

"Desire, Ask, Believe, Receive.--- Stella Terrill Mann

It is all there is we just but perceive ......

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